Posted by on Aug 9, 2015 in Uncategorized |

My hair style has always been a changing palette. When getting a cut, I always ask for something different, something with an edge and a surprise. I rarely visit the same stylist more than a few times because they tend to do the same thing with only a slight variation. So I decided to pair my travels with my hair stylings. This past year, I’ve been to salons in Paris, New York, and San Francisco to get a doo with local tastes.

When planning my trips, I search for the top stylists, read the reviews, look for a creative ambiance, and book an afternoon for the new delight.

PARIS, September 2014, I had an British stylist at Style Pixie

Before IMG_1784 - Version 2

After, in Luxembourg GardensIMG_0421


NEW YORK, February 2015, I had a French stylist at Alibi

Before IMG_3367

After, just before going to New York Fashion Week shows


SAN FRANCISCO, July 2015, I had went to Code

Before  DSC00570

